2015. július 26., vasárnap

Models Own - Flip Flop

To be honest I don't wear neon too often, even during summers. Two years ago I was literally disgusted from neon polishes. Then last summer I got a neon pink Moyra polish, and I kinda liked it. And of course I saw Models Own Polish For Tans collection, but I said I could never wear them. Especially that ugly green one. Aaand for today I brought that ugly green Flip Flop for you. Don't ask me, I really don't know what changed my mind... I guess people just change.

So Flip Flop is that kind of ugly green, that just pops into your face. Literally eveyone takes notice of it within seconds.  I haven't seen so much neon green polishes in my life, but this one's the most neon of them. Like every neon polishes, it's recommended to apply over white base. For me it took 2 thicker coats. It dried a little slow, even after using Seche Vite, so that's not that great, but life can't be always easy. :D

I have to say I'm quite suprised, that I like it, or even use it. Though, it's still weird sometimes to see my nails being so bright and neon and green at the same time.
Do you use neon polishes? What are your favs? Feel free to recommend me more neons! :P

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